How to Boost Your Calcium Intake for 2011!

Calcium plays an important role in strengthening bones and teeth, but it also helps muscles and nerves function properly. How much do you and your kids need?

Kids (up to age 11): 700-900 mg daily

Pre-teens & Teenagers: 1,000-1,200 mg daily

Adults (ages 18-50): 1,000 mg daily

Adults (51 and older): 1,200 mg daily

There are many easy ways to boost your calcium intake by sneaking these foods into your family's diet:

1. Add beans to soups, chili, and pasta dishes.

2. Grate low-fat cheese over soups and salads.

3. Enjoy a smoothie made with yogurt.

4. Use milk instead of water in soups, breads, sauces, or salad dressings.

5. Add milk to tea or coffee in the morning.

6. Try plain yogurt as a vegetable dip.

7. Stir some nuts into a yogurt cup as a snack.

8. Include leafy vegetables in baked casseroles such as lasagna.

9. Buy juices and cereals fortified with calcium.

10. Drink skim milk instead of soda at lunch.

11. Eat hot oatmeal made with milk for breakfast.

12. Snack on crunchy broccoli instead of potato chips.

13. Substitute plain low-fat yogurt for recipes that call for sour cream.

14. Treat yourself to pudding made with skim milk for dessert.

15. Take a daily supplement, available in capsules or chewable tablets.

source sparked people

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