Prayer and Meditation - What is the difference? How It Can Help You With Your Wellness Journey

I have found such value in getting silent and spending time in meditation and prayer.  It is so important in a world that is fast paced, full of confusion, and busy with a constant bombardment of the senses, that we take out time to get silent and listen to that inner voice.  This inner voice can truly lead, guide and direct you throughout your day...throughout your life.  

I truly believe through prayer ( making our request known to our Creator) and through meditation (listening to that voice the Creator has placed within all of us)that you can truly get the answers to life that you seek.  Sometimes they come immediately but mostly for me these answers come over time.

I have made it my priority to start each day with meditation and prayer.  To take time during the course of the day to stop, even if it is for five minutes, and just be silent and listen to that inner voice.

I am grateful that God (who I consider my Creator) has placed that wonderful inner voice within me (a voice I call the Holy Spirit).  It is a great comfort to know that at any time I can stop and and tap into the divine ability that God has given me to aide me on this wonderful journey of life.

Read Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond - A Mind, Body, Spirit E-Magazine for Women over 40


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