Why Affirmations Are Important in Mid-Life

Lately, I have had a problem with all these negative random thoughts going through my head.  Has that ever happened to you? I have been thinking now that I am the throws of mid-life that I really need to be careful of the negative messaging going on in my head.  After all, I still have many productive years ahead of me and I want to leverage those years by staying positive and motivated to achieve my goals. 
Did you know that an average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts per day and of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before? It’s true.  All the more reason for us mid-lifers to learn how to capture our thoughts and reprogram them to be more positive and affirming. 

 Every single person has a self-talk program that it replays over and over again.  This self-talk has a huge influence in all the areas of our life: health, happiness, relationships or wealth.  The programming happens at a subconscious level and most of the time we are not conscious of all of our thoughts and emotions.   We can’t choose which ones we want to have, but the good news is we can choose what to do with our thoughts and how to manage them. We can learn how to deal with fears, insecurities, bad habits, irrational beliefs, certain behaviors, self-limiting messages and more.  We can learn how to deal with negative self- talk by using affirmations. 
Affirmations: an easy way to make a huge impact.

An affirmation is "a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self frequently"  Affirmations are a powerful tool for changing subconscious convictions.  Affirmations allow you to design and develop a different mindset. You can drive and force your thoughts to move in a more positive direction 

Many successful people, such as Jim Carrey, Will Smith or Oprah Winfrey have expressed their belief that positive thinking and affirmations have helped them to achieve their goals, both in their professional and personal journey.

 It takes time for your subconscious to change the way it has been structuring and processing the information. The mind needs to believe what you are now telling it, so you can act upon it and then, manifest it your new reality.  Affirmations require repetition, over and over again.
Affirmations can help you to: 
  • Achieve what you want in life.
  • Be more confident with yourself.
  • Feel empowerment.
  • Increase self-esteem.
  • Reduce anxiety and stress. 
  • Improve performance.
  • Have beneficial effects on health-related behaviors.
  • Navigate difficulties and set you on a better path.
  • Increase resilience for the adversity.
  • Reduce defensive responses, adaptations to protect yourself from the threat.
How to Create Affirmations
  • Find a moment for yourself in a peaceful environment, maybe in your favorite coffee shop or sitting on your sofa, whatever works for you.
  • Think and write what you really want to achieve in life in all areas: both physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual health, relationships, mindset, financial, etc. In order to be effective, it is recommended to write them in the present tense, positive, personal and specific.  In other words, write your affirmations as if what you are affirming has already happened. 
  • Think and write your affirmations in a clear and concise way taking into consideration some of your deepest feelings and emotions. 
  • Design your own ritual for your "affirmation time". Give yourself a self-care moment, connecting with yourself and loving you.
  • Repeat them every day like a mantra.
  • Be present and stay mindful.   read your affirmations mindfully in order for them to have the greatest impact on your thoughts. 
  • Update your affirmations. You are going to achieve goals and you will want to right other affirmations for other goals you want to achieve. 
  • Place your affirmation in places where you can see them.  On the wall in your office, on the mirror in your dressing room area, or on the refrigerator in your kitchen.  Place them in an area where you might see them quite a lot during the course of your day.  

I plan on re-committing to my use of affirmations.  Regardless of the messaging we might receive from our society about being “over the hill” in mid-life, the truth is in mid-life you are just as powerful if not more because of your life experience.  Take control of those negative thoughts, replace them with positive ones, and watch your life change for the better.



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