How to Loose Weight During the Holidays!

The Holidays always brings wonderful delicious food to eat and always the potential to put on a few extra pounds!

Yes, you can loose weight during the holidays.  Even though the Holidays are packed full of delicious treats, and special meals that we can gorge ourselves on, we can still keep from adding on the pounds.

The Holidays are meant to be fun and joyous! We are meant to enjoy the wonderful tasting food that our friends and family have prepared BUT ... we can use wisdom also.

Here are a few tips to help you end up on the "zero" pounds gained and some pounds lost list:
  • Drink a few glasses of water before you start eating at the holiday parties. When you are at these parties you will be tempted to eat all the goodies but if you drink at least two glasses of water BEFORE you start eating.
  • Eat! Not eating and skipping meals because you are rushing around during the holiday season will leave you starving.  You will end up starving and will eat all the wrong things.  Instead eat a little fiber and protein before you go to the holiday party.  Try yogurt and fruit, fruit and nuts, or cheese on a whole wheat toast.  This is will help you curb your cravings and appetite.
  • Balance Your Party Platter by adding fiber and protein rich goodies on your plate.  Try some fish, shrimp, salmon, whole grain crackers, nuts and dried fruit instead of some of the more high calorie snacks.  Try that fruit Kabob instead of that big slice of ginger bread cake.
  • Substitute some of the food that are high in caloric and fat content and use fruit puree for a spread and egg whites in place of eggs when baking. 
  • Drink up the non- alcoholic beverages in between the alcoholic beverages.  Alcohol is very high is calories not to mention the other risk factors if you over consume!
  • Choose veggie dishes over meat dishes and avoid fried foods when at the holiday parties. Avoid high calorie foods with a lot of cheese, starches,  and sugar.
  • Movement is key to burning up the calories we take in during the holidays.  Take those extra flight of stairs, park your care further aways from the entrance to that department store you are going to. If you already have an exercise regime step it up a bit and definitely don't put it off during the holidays!
  • Finally, those holiday sweets!! We all have our favorites. I love Cheese Cake.  But I also know that  Cheese Cake is extremely high in calories and fat.  So what I do is cut my serving of Cheese Cake in half!  I still get a chance to satisfy my sweet tooth for only half the calories.
These suggestions are all simple and easy to do. But the results are far reaching if you just take the time to institute some of these tips.   Happy Holidays, have fun and loose weight at the same time!

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