Swimming Does a Body Good!

Over the last three weeks I have added something new to my exercise regime.  Swimming!  I have never been a strong swimmer but I thought I would give it a try and the results have been GREAT!  Not only is swimming invigorating, it helps me with maintaining my stress level, and also gives me a serge of energy for the day. 

There are also some great benefits for your body when you are swimming.  Swimming helps your body to develop stronger heart, lungs, muscles and bones.  To strengthen bones, we've always heard that weight-bearing and high-impact exercises (like running and lifting weights) are best. This leaves many people assuming that their low-impact workouts aren't doing much to improve bone strength. Swimming has long been touted as a low-impact exercise, one that's easier on the body and good for individuals with joint pain. 

However, a recent study from Israel's Wingate Institute in Netanya indicates that women who frequently swim laps have greater leg bone mass than women who don't swim at all. 

While weight-bearing exercises are the best way to strengthen your bones, swimming is another option, especially for obese exercisers who experience pain and difficulty moving. Try adding a few laps to your regular routine to relieve boredom, and to surprise your muscles...and bones! 

Sparkpeople ( a great website for fitness) recommends going to
 www.hydrofit.com/home/hyf/smartlist_40/choreography_library.html  for a great resource regarding swimming  with simple graphics and great search options.  The information on this site can help you  to put together a good aquatic exercise routine.  You can specify shallow or deep water, exercise focus, and various types of equipment, and/or a combination of these.  Print off your results, pop them in a plastic sleeve, and take them to poolside!


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