How To Treat Hormonal Imbalances Naturally

As we age we all begin to take notice of some changes in our bodies that appear to have no real explanation. Perhaps because the changes begin slowly and overtime. Here are a few that may have happened to you over a period of time:

*unexplained water gain
*short term memory loss
*lack of focus
*night sweats
*body temperature fluctuation
*a decrease of sexual desire
*hair loss
*mood swings

These are just a few of the symptoms that come along with the beginning of perio- menopause or full fledged menopause. All women hear about these dreaded symptoms but they don't always hear what they can do about them. There are some techniques that you can try at home that might give you some relief. I have tried some of these and they have helped. As always consult with your Doctor when you feel you need to. Below are some tips that can be quite helpful.

How is your adrenal health?
: If you have been blessed to live an easy, slow paced and stress free live, your adrenal glands are in great health. But if you are like many women in today's fast paced lifestyle that just isn't the case. Because of our fast lifestyles as we age and begin to move toward menopause or adrenals are basically worn out and cannot make up the difference for the change in our estrogen levels. In order to rebuild our adrenal glands we should do the following:

*Drink licorice tea
*Take maca
*Take deer antler extract
*Learn to relax by deep breathing
*Learn to deal appropriately with stress in a healthy manner
*Recognize the stressful areas of your life that you can do something about and take action. Recognize the areas that you cannot do something about and let them go
*Kick the coffee habit

Detoxify Your Liver:Cleansing or detoxifying your live will help bring your female hormones back into balance. You liver is responsible for breaking down and eliminating the estrogen in your body,
The next important step to take in order to correct a female hormone imbalance is to cleanse your liver. Your liver is the filter for your body. Your liver breaks down and eliminates the estrogen in your body. If the liver is overloaded with toxins and is not properly detoxifying your body, it will not be able to get rid of the excess estrogen and they will recirculate through your body and cause an imbalance. In order to cleanse your liver you can take the following steps:

*Do a liver cleanse. There are many out there on the market. Consult your holistic practitioner to help you select the best one for you.
*Clean up your diet. Refrain from eating refined sugars and processed carbohydrates and eat a lot more vegetables, fruits, raw nuts and seeds, lean proteins and sprouted foods.
*Do periodic cleansing such as a 7 day green juice fast, a green smoothie fast, or simply only eating fresh fruits and vegetables for a week.
*Drink dandelion tea instead of coffee
*Exercise on a regular basis
*Get plenty of sunshine
*Learn more about alternative ways to eat that are healthy


*1 Tablespoon (or more if you like) of freshly-squeezed lemon juice (organic preferred)
*One drop of Peppermint Oil (TRUessence EO brand only, suitable for internal use)
*One drop of Lemon Oil (TRUessence EO brand only, suitable for internal use)
*Mix lemon juice with Lemon Oil and Peppermint Oil. Drink.
*Best if taken prior to eating in the morning.

Essential oils are like whole foods ...our body recognizes how to use them for nourishment and healing.
It’s best not to use plastic cups or containers with essential oils.

Click here to find out how to purchase these oils

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