How To Make Your Weight Management Progress Last

Think about where you are and where you want to write it down in your journal

Have you ever achieved your weight management goals and then found that you are beginning to slip...I think we have all be there when it comes to making a change.  Maintaining your goal when it come to weight management is really all about a lifestyle change. It is a process and along the way it is helpful if we have tools to assist us to and to help us stay on track.  Here are three tips that will help:

  1. Track your progress every day. Make a spreadsheet or graph of your weight-loss. Or, create a checklist of your daily goals (avoid snacking after dinner, avoid the vending machine at work, exercise for 30 minutes, etc.) and check them off as you complete them. This way, you reinforce your positive behavior and good choices and celebrate your success on a daily basis. Having this type of tangible reminder of your accomplishments can be a huge incentive to keep on track.

  2. Allow yourself one "fun food" each day. This way, you're not depriving yourself (which usually backfires and leads to overeating). Keep your "fun foods" to no more than 150 calories (i.e., ½ cup low-fat ice cream, 2-3 small cookies, 1 fun-size candy bar). I recommend saving your treat for an after-dinner snack — this way you have something to look forward to all day long.

  3. Set up a "non-food" reward system. Every time you lose another 5 or 10 pounds (depending on how much you have to lose), treat yourself to a special prize, whether it's a pedicure, a new magazine or book to read, a trip to the movies with your best friend, or new make-up. Write out your reward plan and keep it posted on your fridge so you're constantly reminded of what you're working towards. 
Source - Joy Bauer's Website 

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  1. Cool Post , Graphing out and keeping the daily track record is a great idea. I guess following these three steps will be very effective.


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