How Can Walking Save Your Life?

image  from rodale website

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During the month of August, we did a Walk for Wellness Challenge on our Facebook Fan Page.  I was surprised to see how many were not doing this challenge. While we did have some great participation, I thought this would be something everyone could do.  I still can't quite understand why one wouldn't want to walk.  It is such a simple exercise and SO beneficial .  Walking is one of the most effective ways  to get in shape, stay fit and reduce your weight.

It occurred to me maybe I should share with everyone why this particular form of exercise is important.

Here are just a few great reasons why you should start a walking program:
  • FIGHTS DIABETES:Studies in Great Britain have shown that walking can decrease the chances of contracting Type Two Diabetes. According to this study  hat people with a family history of the disease who walked briskly, or performed some other type of moderate to vigorous activity on a routine basis, improved insulin sensitivity.
  • IMPROVED SEX: Any kind of exercise is great for your sex drive. Since walking is considered exercise then one could think increase your walking, increase your sex drive.  A study was done with women 45 to 55 who reported better sex drives and overall better sex life when they started walking. By the way...I noticed the study stopped at 55.  Why is that? Don't women have sex after 55??  Just sayin'...
  • LESSENS FIBROMYAGIA SYMPTOMS: Evidently according to another study done with women ages 32 to 70 years, walking is extremely beneficial when it comes to reducing the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia affects over 4% of the population. The symptoms are fatigue, chronic pain, sleeplessness, a "brain fog". The study showed the more movement when it comes to reducing the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Those in the Fibromyalgia study who walked at least 60 minutes a week, stretched three times a week, and did light exercise reported feeling much better and experienced less fatigue, pain and "brain fog".
  • BREAST CANCER FIGHTER: There is a direct correlation between lack of exercise and breast cancer. the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Yale researchers heading up the study also found that those who exercised in the year before being diagnosed were 30 percent more likely to survive, compared to women who didn’t exercise leading up to their diagnosis. Those are very sobering statistics and it makes one wonder...why aren't ALL Women exercising?
  • REDUCES THE RISK OF STROKE:  In a study involving 46,000 men and 15,000 women over the course of 18 years there was a significant reduction of strokes occurring when the men and women in the study walked briskly at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. The University of South Carolina did the study and they said that exercise can decrease the possibility of having a stroke by 40%!
There is irrefutable evidence that shows us that any kind of exercise can be life affirming. So, why not add a brisk walk to your movement regime.   Your body and your loved ones will thank you! 

Sources: Heart, American Cancer Society, Rodale

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