5 Ways to Increase Your Intuition and Decrease Your Anxiety, Depression and Stress

I hear voices...well one voice.  No, I am not crazy.  Lately, I have been working on enhancing that voice.   I have been working on enhancing my intuition.  I have found that learning to enhance your intuition can go a long way in alleviating anxiety, fear and even depression.  

We live in a society that that encourages the idea of trying to control the outcome.  The question is, can we really do that? Can we control the outcome.  I can definitely attest to the fact that trying to control everything so that I can be in control of the outcome is a daunting and rarely achievable task. It makes you frustrated, tired, depressed, anxious, and overwhelmed.  It wasn't until about 5 years ago that I decided to put my overwhelming need to control the outcome on hold and work on skills that could at help me to make better decisions so I can have healthier outcomes.

Intuition can be cultivated, developed and strengthened.  If you are a beginner in working on connecting more with your intuition here are some tips from one of my guest on my show
"Wellness Woman" from Intuition Expert and Author, Gail Harris.

  • Make It A Priority - once you decide to work on your intuition ability, make it a priority.  Just like anything enhancing you intuitive ability takes practice.  It doesn't happen over night.  Be prepared to give it some time and practice working on your intuition every day.  To begin to see positive results in your life you have to make intuition your priority. 
  • Take Your Quite Time - take the time to be quiet every day.  During this quite time meditate and ponder listening to that inner voice... the voice that speaks positively to you.  This practice also takes time.  Meditation is not easy but it always help to continue to practice.  Click here for more information on how to meditate.
  • Set an Intention - Set and intention to listen to your intuition.  Seek advice from that still, inner voice every day.  Start listening for guidance when it comes to making decisions or when you need wisdom.
  • Trust - When you begin to hear that inner voice trust it. Take a leap of faith and take the advice, the choice, the direction that inner voice gives you. If you are still not sure if the voice you hear is the right voice remember that your intuitive voice will not tell you to anything that is against your core values, ethics or social mores.
Here is my interview with Gail Harris, Intuitive Expert.  She shares some wonderful information on how to tap into your intuition.  You can find out more about books and services at www.gailharris.com 

I really started learning more about developing my intuition when I had the honor of Co-Hosting "The Intuition Mastery Summit".  It was wonderful to get the chance to interview and listen to 27 experts in the field of intuition.  Some of the topics they cover :

DREAM: Using Your Intuition to Clarify & Create What You Want
Using Your Intuition to Clear Your Path to Create The Reality You Want
Acting on Intuition through Active Prayer
Using your Intuition to turn your J-O-B into your J-O-Y!
and much more ...

  • achieve greater career success and/or financial prosperity
  • resolve conflicts and help make necessary decisions
  • find more balance or freedom in your life
  • lead a more inspired, heart-centered existence
  • heal and find that greater inner peace and harmony
  • or simply connect more deeply to your Soul


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