#1 Reason Women Don't Take Care of Themselves First & Why It is SOOO Important To Increase Your Self-Care

I have to admit that I could do a better job of taking care of myself.  Yes, since I am a Wellness Expert you would think I would not have a problem with making sure I take good care of myself. But frankly, I suffer from the same thing that most women do when it comes to taking care of themselves FIRST and FOREMOST. 

The number one reason women do not take care of themselves first; the number one reason women put themselves on the back burner; the numeral uno reason women put off taking better care of themselves is...GUILT.    That's right the number one reason women put off spending time doing things they want to do, taking care of themselves first, putting their self-care on their priority list, is GUILT. 

I confess that I too have suffered from GUILT when it came to taking more time to take care of me.  But when I found out I had an anxiety disorder, I realized that I needed to take myself from the back burner and put myself on the front burner.  I had to take more time to care for me. I came to understand that if I continued to put off taking better care of me, I wouldn't be able to take care of everyone else. 

Women are nurturers.  It is natural for most women to want to care for the people they love and care for. There is nothing wrong with that.  BUT, we should also want to care for ourselves as well. 

Yes, finding the time for self-care can be prohibitive.  Lightening candles, meditating, journaling, taking long baths, massages, reading inspirational books...that all sounds wonderful but who has the time for that??  We must remember that the purpose of self-care is to make it a priority to nurture ourselves.  It doesn't matter what you do, just as long as you do it!  Whatever it is that allows you to care and love yourself, do it.  It is that simple.  It doesn't have to be a great production and it doesn't have to take hours.  You can take the approach that you will spend 15 minutes a day doing something YOU want to do. Whatever that is. 

Do not GUILT yourself if what you want to do for self-care doesn't seem profound enough.  Maybe what you want to do is watch a Hallmark movie instead of listening to Oprah's Soul Session. THAT IS OKAY!  The whole idea is to do something YOU want to do and to set aside the time to do it.  

Self-care is just taking the opportunity to enjoy your life, doing something that makes you smile, gives you peace and a sense of joy. 

If you happen to be a business person or entrepreneur it is very difficult to get off the merry-go-round to do the self-care thing.  But it is so important to make it a priority.  You can start right now by making a strategic move and registering for a webinar that will help you.  I have been where you are and I KNOW what it is like to feel stressed out and overwhelmed running a business or starting a business.  Register now for the FREE MASTER CLASS - 3 Massive Mistakes Even Smart Women Entrepreneurs Make that KEEP them Feeling OVERWHELMED & STRESSED OUT!


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